just in case anyone is curious of my writings. this poem is part of my upcoming book "being in a body is weird". I have so many poems inside me, and I just write, write and write some more. maybe one day they will mean something to anyone, and if they don't and my words disapear, I'd be okay with that. i don't write for profit. i write to write and just share. i like it that way so far...
The thoughts I hate poke at my landscape
I built this home in a desert
Escaping the world is my only leisure
But the sentences of the world
Creeps into my aura
Piercing at my energy
Infiltrating my barriers
I worked diligently to place
One brick of red energy at a time
All around my body ten feet distance please
Do not disrupt my field with negativity
I just want to be alone
But each stab at my mind
I can never escape the matrix
No matter how much I have meticulously
Replaced people
Placed new people
Disappeared from people
Protected my heart, from people
The past wants me dead
It wants me to drown in my own blood
it prods at my mindscape with horrible words
A slithering entity, crawling into my skin,
Forcing me to stare at myself in the mirror
Wanting me to accept the lies again
Telling me to puncture my body to feel numb
Make the thoughts go away